Thursday, March 11, 2010

Help A Friend

Alright, here goes-

My good friend Beth told me to do this.  It's for a good cause. 

On May 31st my lease is up on my apartment.  I am trying to move back to Michigan and have limited funds to do so.  My plan was to have someone fly out, help me pack, and then we would drive back in a truck.  I don't have a driver's license, so it's sorta hard for me to do that.  I found out to rent a U-Haul for a three day drive is close to 2 grand.  There is no way I'll come up with that much in two months. 

So, here is my plan instead: I need enough money to at least send my belongings back home.  This is going to cost me about $500-$600, depending.  I'll be flying back to Michigan with my rabbits. 

This is all very sudden, because my boyfriend and I broke up and I basically have nowhere to go out here right now.  I've been job hunting with no luck and there's no way I can afford to live on my own in Phoenix.  If you want to help, just use the donate button below.  Anything is appreciated, really.  I know everyone is having a hard time right now, so don't feel bad if you can't.

Thank you all, for being supportive and helping me through the hard times. 


**EDIT:  I would just like to update this by saying, so far I have gotten $100 from people donating.  Thank you so much.  I'm that much closer to getting home, and also, I am already starting to ship out my things this week.  I need about $200 more, so please, if you're just reading this, help me out!  :)  I would just love to be back in northern Michigan with my family and friends!