When the Dangerous album came out, I made my mom and step dad watch the celebration on TV, and the releases thereafter of the songs "Remember The Time" and "Black and White." (Which, I have to comment on, is weird I brought that up because Shaq is on TV speaking about doing the "Remember The Time" video.)
It continued thereafter, too. I watched all of the specials made, including the short film Ghosts, which had the songs "2 Bad," "Ghosts," and "Is It Scary?" I loved the release "You Rock My World," which had Chris Tucker in the music video. I drove everyone nuts. I'm sure most of my friends will probably want "Billie Jean" played at my funeral because every time it came on at the club I'd go nuts and make a fool of myself. Michael Jackson was a huge part of my life, from when I was just a little girl with a crush, to when I was a teenager and loved to dance, and now, when I'm all grown up but still love to dance on the bed and sing his songs. Chris has witnessed this and I'm not ashamed to say he has and always will be one of my all-time favorite artists.
Despite the bad publicity, rumors, and accusations he faced while still alive, I never believed any of it. I got so offended by my mom watching that junk on TV and actually believing it. I was pissed off at people at school for calling him a pervert, and not ashamed at all to say I didn't buy it and that I hoped he got off on the charges. It is obvious that because of the strange life he did lead (how would your life be if you lived in the spotlight from age 7 on?), he was picked on and singled out, and many tried to alienate him.
I just want to say that Michael Jackson will live on forever in my heart, and I will always remember him by dancing and singing to every song he ever made. I hope that his memory can live on without all the negativity. I think the King of Pop deserves that, at least, in his death.
What was your first memory of Michael Jackson? Or your favorite memory?
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