Friday, September 25, 2009

My Friday Fill-In

1. One week ago I was stressing about bills, and I still am.

2.  Things were so much easier when I was young.

3. Mama told me to hang in there and things would get better yesterday.

4. I think we make a good pair, you and me.

5. Take your time making big decisions- you don't want to make the wrong one!

6. I'm really hoping these hard times will pass!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing with Chris, tomorrow my plans include going to Chris's softball game and Sunday, I want to rent some movies and lounge!

2 ghetto sass:

Anonymous said...

1. Bills will always be there so try not to stress. It will all work itself out. Trust me. I know. I have been there and still am at times.

2. Yeah, I feel you. Growing up can hurt, but the longer you are at it the better it gets and the messiness of it all starts to seem beautiful when you look back on it.

3. Trust you Mommy

4. Cute

5. I agree, I am so cautious. I mean, who needs the reprecussions of a wrong choice on top of just trying to make it through daily life. :o)

6. They will. For sure girl

7. Have fun! I will be lounging as well. It will be nice to just do nada for a bit... or just whatever I want to do.

Have a fabulous weekend dear! :o)

Susan R. Mills said...

Lounging sounds great! I think I'll do the same. Great song on here again!