I don't usually post anything on the weekends because I am working (unfortunately I have the pleasure of a weekend only job) and at night I hang out with what friends I have.
I just wanted to thank everyone that commented and decided to follow me this week. It makes it well worth the move from MySpace to here. I can tell that everyone truly cares about the ideas and stories we all blog about, and it is a great community. I'm ecstatic to be a part of it, and hope that everyone continues to enjoy my blog, and I will continue to read and comment on all of yours.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Couldn't help it. So many people post pictures of their kids and pets, and I felt the need to show off my kid-pets.
I was bored one Sunday afternoon, so I built a house out of a box. Despite hating their cage, they love this box. And here is the proof.

3 ghetto sass:
Haha! Loved the pics.
Yes, this seems to be a far better blogging home than MySpace. More supportive and warm. Especially for those who are married and/or have children. MySpace is more of a singles-with-no-life-and-serious-mental-issues hangout these days!
I love the box house. Very creative!
We saw some hysterical rabbits at the fair the other day. I can't even believe some of them WERE rabbits.
Thanks for the offer to read Healing Touch. Would you be interested in looking at it after the next round of edits? I think I have enough people for this frist draft. It is not a full novel - just about 20,000 words.
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