Monday, October 5, 2009

The Parking Lot Throwdown

Saturday was Chris's softball game, and as I said before, he decided to invite D and J, the girls I've been suspicious of.  Chris is a little naive.  I don't know why, either, because he's a smart guy.  But that's the problem- he's a guy.  He doesn't get why I act "jealous."  It's not jealousy.  It's that I know these girls are up to know good.

Anyway, I played nice.  And I really tried to be nice.  I tried to talk to them, and engage in their conversation; they just didn't want to include me.  Why?  They were trying to manipulate me into starting a fight with Chris.  Yes, yes.  These are 19 year old girls here.  They will try anything to get more attention for themselves by making another person look bad.  They didn't succeed.  At the softball game, J left about ten minutes into the game and D stayed alone to watch.  I tried to talk to her.  But she was glued to her phone.  I left her alone after that, and enjoyed myself.  I like all the people on the team, so I just talked to them and cheered and clapped, blah blah blah.  I had fun.  I told D she could sit on my blanket, and she did.  And I saw that she had a camera, and the flash was going off every couple minutes.  She wanted to take pictures, whatever.  I didn't think anything of it.

Then I walked over to take a drink of my water, and saw what she was taking pictures of and recording.  It was the softball game.  It was just Chris.  She was recording him, walking around behind the fence, not doing anything.  I was a little bit weirded out, so I stood behind her the rest of the game, and I think she got the hint that I knew what she was doing.  After the game they came back to our place, and Chris and I had planned to drink a couple beers, but suddenly it became, "Let's get trashed!"  Except for D, who is "expecting" apparently.  I don't wanna get into that ordeal.  So she didn't drink.  But she helped in the drinking games.  Chris and I give each other a lot of shit and pick on each other and call each other names and stuff, and it's just fun for us.  It's a couple thing.  But then D got involved in it, and she started making up her own rules to the drinking game, and made Chris say things that were just...really dumb and Chris was annoyed.  I didn't stop it, though, because I was just trying to get along with these girls who he apparently gets along with.  Whatever.

Chris left the room for a minute and I tried to start a conversation, and they just stared at me, or looked bored, or gave me weird looks.  I gave up.  I was feeling uncomfortable in my own home.  I finally called Sheri and asked if they wanted to kick it, just so I'd have some friends around, for support or whatever, and she and Scott were down, so we headed over there to play some beer pong and just chill.  J claimed she was the beer pong champ, but Sheri chose me to be on her team and we suck.  LOL.  Seriously.  We lost by a lot, but that was fine with me.  Sheri and I ignored the rest of the game when the girls played against Chris and Scott, and just chilled outside.  Since I told Sheri how I felt about her focusing so much on her life and not enough on caring about her family and friends' lives, she's been really cool to be around.  I think she saw how self-centered she was getting and turned it around.  I told her I just wasn't comfortable around J and D and she understood, so it was good to have her there.

She passed out right away, though.  The rest of the night I had to deal with J and her very full figure in a tube top bouncing around and her chest about popping out of her shirt the whole time.  It was gross, no offense.  If you are confident in what you are, that is fine, and more power to you.  But that doesn't mean my boyfriend and Sheri's boyfriend want to see it; they confirmed that with me today.  They weren't happy about that at all.  But Sheri and I laughed at dinner about it because, well, it's kind of sad.  Anyway, at the end of the night, J and D were talking about going to another party, and it was after two.  I wasn't down.  Chris kind of wanted to go, but he knew I wasn't okay with that.  D drove us back to the apartment once more.  On the way, Chris's phone went off in my purse, and I was like, "Who the hell is texting you at almost 3 AM?"

IT WAS D.  From the FRONT SEAT, texting Chris, saying, "After we drop your girlfriend off you should come with us to JT's party."  You know what I said?

"No, he's not going to JT's party, and why are you texting him in the same car?"  And I couldn't help it.  Word vomit came out.  Everything I had been thinking and feeling just came out.  I told her to stop trying to flirt with my boyfriend and get him away from me.  I told her she was acting like a skank and being disrespectful to me, and to Chris, by trying to start fights between us.  I finally brought up how she was video taping him all night and taking his picture, and shit hit the fan.  By the time we pulled into the parking lot, Chris and I were fighting, because he thought I was being controling, D was acting innocent and saying she didn't do anything wrong, and J was sticking up for D, of course, and trying to fight with me.

Yep.  I got out of the car, I started yelling like an imbecile, and I'm sort of embarrassed by my behavior.  I was drinking.  And I was sick of them.  They are dumb little girls, and they couldn't get that in their heads.  I am 24 years old, I don't play little games, and I don't like drama.  I really, really don't.  My life was relatively calm up until they came into the picture, and I was okay with that.  I wrote blogs about my rabbits and not-so-serious subjects.  The last week and a half has been nothing but drama, and it's because of them.

So I was mad.  I yelled at Chris, and told him he wasn't going to JT's party.  Then J, in all her busting out of her tube top glory, stepped in and got in my face, and started doing that pointing thing that little scrappers do.  You know, holding the hand in the air, pointing down with their hand in the shape of an 'L', yelling.  "Chris don't have to listen to you, bitch!  You're not his mother!"

Oh boy.  OH BOY OH BOY.  "Get your HAND out of my FACE and move."  Are you serious?  Chris at this time stepped in the way and told me to go upstairs.  D was watching from the car.  I didn't even have a problem with J.  Not really anyway.  I was having a problem with D and her sneaky little antics to be alone with my boyfriend without me in the vicinity.  NO.  I don't think so.  But J is a big girl, and of course, D let her do the fighting.  Except, J didn't realize when you stick your finger in my face and try to disrespect me, in MY home, I am NOT AFRAID of you, no matter HOW BIG YOUR CHEST IS and HOW BAD YOUR MOUTH IS.  She pushed me.  And I snapped.

I don't know if it is appropriate to write it all out, because I don't want to seem like I'm immature or like I'm some street fighter.  I'm really not.  But I let her have it.  I've been doing my kickboxing work out, and I used my jab, cross, hook, elbow thing.  ...And it did the job.  She kept going, of course, but Chris stepped in and dragged me away from going at her again, and I told them to get away from my apartment, but in a way less polite way.  Once I was upstairs, I told Chris my purse was in the parking lot still, and he had to go down, and I was mad because he was seriously going to leave with them.  I flipped out on him, and I told him if he left with them, we really were finished and I was going to get on a plane as soon as I had the money and fly back to Michigan.  I just don't have it in me anymore.

So he stayed.  And he was mad at me.  But I told him what D was doing the whole night, and she was still texting him, and he asked her point blank if she did the shit I told him, and she admitted it and explained, "I was just having fun with my new phone and camera."  Right.  He finally got the hint.  She said, "I wanted to be your friend."  Right.  He said, "I thought I wanted to be friends, but I love my girlfriend and I believe her." 

FINALLY!  FINALLY!!!  No more drama after this!!  I'm done!  Today I had to work, but I got home and he had cleaned up (for the first time in forever) and he was down to go have a BBQ with Scott and Sheri and we had fun and he laughed when I told Sheri what happened.  He was mad last night (I ripped a good shirt trying to get back to fight J I guess...) but today he was fine.  I said my apologies and we are OKAY.  It felt so good to be eating dinner and feel comfortable and relaxed for the first time in a while.  And we didn't argue at all.  And even though J and D both texted him today, he ignored them.  And I told him honestly that if he really wants to be friends with them, be friends with them, but I don't want them around me and I don't want him to be alone with D.  End.  Of.  Story.

So that was my weekend.  I have a very badly bruised elbow and a gash in my foot (uhhh don't know how), and my knuckles are bruised, but other than that, I came out unscathed.  I am just glad this is over.  :)  Okay, onto better things this week!

7 ghetto sass:

Anonymous said...

even though you two got into a fight, seems like it worked out in the end, and the girls will learn their lesson not to mess with your bf. >.<
glad things are finally working out for you :)


Karilynnlove said...

That's awesome! EPIC!
So glad for you that things are starting to work out!
Like I said before, sometimes you just have to snap and start handing out ultimatums!!

Susan R. Mills said...

It sounds like Chris is starting to come around. That's great.

Roni Loren said...

Glad Chris took your side. I hope things work out for you guys. Stories like these make me happy I'm a boring married woman. :) I do not miss the drama of dating.

Kell said...

The drama! Ha ha. I'm 20 and I swear that kind of drama stopped once I left high school. I had some girls that still disliked me and would do stuff to my car, even get into my accounts on the internet, but I completely ignored it. I felt like I was above it at that point and yeah it pissed me off, but I can't do that drama anymore.

Tina Lynn said...

Ooh...I wish I could have seen that! I don't really know you, but I would have fought alongside you had I been:)

Nicolette said...

Honestly, I sometimes wish this would have happened in high school with me, because MAYBE it wouldn't have happened now. However, in my own defense, I didn't start it. The other girl took the first swing, so I just defended myself. I was not about to get squashed.

And I wish things like this didn't happen, but I can't stop them, as hard as I try. I told Chris these girls were bad news, but he doesn't listen! So, now he knows and he won't make this mistake again.

I wish I was married and boring sometimes...I would prefer to be predictable. This is what I get for falling in love with a guy four years younger. :-/