Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday Ramblings

I just wrote this huge long blog but I deleted it.  Don't ask me why, because I'm not in the mood for questions.  Just accept the fact that I typed for half an hour to just 'select all' and 'delete'.  I do.

I'd just like to thank Allie over at Hyperbole and a Half for making me laugh my ASS off today (during a relatively non-exciting day).  And also, I'd like to say "You're welcome" in return of her thanks for me making her laugh at my comment.  I just understand you, I guess, Allie, because seriously...somedays I feel like just going on and on about things that really are annoying me (like, I see one of Chris's toe nails on the floor from where I'm sitting and it makes me MAD because I always tell him to clip his stupid toe nails in the bathroom over the toilet but he doesn't, so I get grossed out when suddenly one is stuck to my foot).  And your blog does just that, in a very humorous way.  I wish I could be as humorous as that, sometimes.  The Serious Stick just gets shoved way up my *hey, look, there are cute birdies outside my window!* and I can't find a single humorous thing in my damn life.

I also want to say that I'm at follower #39.  Whoever #40 is gets a special prize.  I was going to wait until 50, but I'm impatient and I will also probably forget by then.  I left a long comment on one of Allie's blogs about how losing followers sucks and how I notice right away because I don't have that many.  Last week I lost two so this week I had to gain two, and also another two to make up for the week.  (I'm not really that anal or obsessed, but yes, I do pay attention to how many followers I have and who leaves comments.)  I was glad to find another blogger that feels the same way.  WHY ARE YOU LEAVING?!?! 

I know, I know- sometimes my blog gets a little boring, or dramatic.  I try to keep sane and serious most of the time, but I am only 24, people.  That's like the new 17 these days (or at least that's what it has seemed like recently).  Everything is a crisis and everyone is ganging up on me.  I will try to keep a little humor and a little seriousness in all of this from now on.  Right now, though, I'm going to attempt to write some on my book because it's been over a week since I've done so, and I feel as if my characters may feel abandoned by me.

I'm also going to be creating my own award.  Look out for that, as well. 

I'd hug you all, but I'm not much for contact or PDA.  So I'll just punch you all on the shoulders.  Night!

Well it didn't take long to gain my 40th follower (boy, three followers in one day...I'm so lucky I can't stand it!).  I'd like to say congrats OMChelsea (is it just Chelsea or do you really prefer OMChelsea?) for being the lucky follower to win.  I hadn't even had time to think about what the prize was going to be, which means I need to get to work on that.  But I'll guarantee that: one- it'll be creative; and two- no one else will think of it.  Oh yes, and you're also the FIRST to get my new award, which is for having your head in the clouds and still being a dreamer.  And for being a follower of mine.  :)  She's also Australian and has a dork for a husband and I salute her for that- I have a dork for a boyfriend and sometimes it's hard, but most of the time, it just makes life a bit funnier.  So here is my award for her:

So there ya have it.  Now onto number 54...That's the next luck follower...

**EDIT #2**
I've decided to make up rules to accepting the award.  Because I like making rules.  Like, in my apartment, we have rules.
#1.  Clean up your messes.
#2.  If you don't clean up your messes, I'll clean them up for you.  (And you won't know where any of your shit is if I clean it up for you.
#3.  No bunnies on the couch.  Unless you're cuddling with me, then it's okay.
#4.  No smoking inside!  EVER! 
#5.  If the bunnies are laying in the middle of the floor, leave them alone.  If they are laying where you want to sit, TOO BAD.  If the bunnies are grunting at you, stop pissing them off.  If the bunnies want you to pet them, pet them, dammit.  In other words, what the bunnies say goes.

So the rules to accepting my award are as follows:
#1.  Say thanks.
#2.  Post it on your blog only if you want to.
#3.  Once you have accepted, you are now my blog slave for eternity, MWAHAHAHA! and you will do as I say (or as my bunnies say). 
#4.  Really, just suggest a good blog for me to follow and read.  I'm down for that. 
#5.  Keep on bloggin'.  (Similar to truckin' but, you know...blogging.  Duh.)

15 ghetto sass:

Kell said...

I get to feeling like this sometimes too! I've been like it for quite a while actually. I'm usually pretty humorous and find it easy to make jokes and such.. but lately I just can't do it.
I'm too new to the blogging game, and don't put enough thought into any of my posts to really get very caught up in how many followers I have.. but occasionally i do find myself wishing i would get more followers! I've been at a stagnant 20 for too long now.

Tina Lynn said...

I want to be 40. Can I leave then come back? Drat. I haven't been blogging anything worth reading lately either. I think the universe is out of alignment or something. Not that I'm always brilliant, engaging, and funny. I can be. But lately I've been too stressed out...and we all know how stress leaches the humor out of everything. Hope 40 happens for you soon. We all like to see the following grow. It's a nice stroke to the old ego:D

Ellie said...

Oh, the great dilemma of blogging for self vs audience ;)

Nicolette said...

NO Tina Lynn, you MAY NOT LEAVE AND THEN COME BACK! lol. That'd take a lot of stalking...because if you left, it'd be 38. So you'd have to watch to see when I hit 39. And if you missed it, and someone else hit 40, then, well, you're screwed and you just wasted a lot of time stalking the number of followers on my blog. ...You would even outstalk me. That's impressive and sort of scary. And thank you- I'm hoping to reach 40, too, soon. They won't receive anything big, don't worry- I'm not rich. In fact, I have a birthday present sitting in my living room from August that I haven't been able to afford to send out. lol.

lol. It should be capitalized: The Great Dilemma. I don't mind blogging for myself- in fact, no matter what the topic is on my blog it's usually to get it off my mind or to put it on someone else's. It's just I hate for my personal life to be the topic of every blog, because...I thought I'd outgrown the teenage "God hates me and so do you" blogging phase. Apparently I'm digressing.

Roxane said...

I get so bent out of shape when I lose followers, I lost like 9 of them last week. I was NOT happy camper LOL Dont worry too much the ones that are here <3 you :)

Roxane said...

I get so bent out of shape when I lose followers, I lost like 9 of them last week. I was NOT happy camper LOL Dont worry too much the ones that are here <3 you :)

Susan R. Mills said...

Congrats to Chelsea. Sorry to hear you lost some followers.

CarrieBradshaw* said...

I'm pretty new to the blogging world, and never thought I'd get excited about a new follower. I'm slowly pulling in followers haha. Don't worry I'm at 8 and feel so special. I enjoy your blog fyi thanks for writing. It's some entertainment for my long ass 8 hour work day.


something is going on here b/c it says that i am the 40th follower - did you just lose two more followers? wth?

it doesn't matter how many followers you have, you will always be obsessed with followers and i am always like ... WHAT?!!?? if someone stops following me and feel like punching them in their cyber face

Nicolette said...

I LOST MORE READERS!!! GAAAAHHHH!!!!! :( Now I am even MORE depressed than I was before!

...I'm going to start a resistance.

Nicolette said...

I know who left...muhahaha...should I stalk them down and ask why they left?!?!

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

I just found your blog, yay new reader! lol.

Cwybrow said...

WOO! THANKS!!! I'm excited...for a minute I thought your apartment rules were award rules and went WHAT??? she want' me to CLEAN UP??? and then I READ the words and thought AAH.... ping! (sound of lightbulb) anywho, gotta go to work, but I'll be back and THANKS for the award!!!

Sherri said...

I'm just catching up on your blog and I must admit your award for your 40th follower is super confusing for me. Do you mean on Google Friends? If so, I think you should realize that you probably have TONS more readers that don't use Google Friends. [like me!] Google Friends isn't Wordpress-friendly because it requires your sidebar to be a certain width. So, I'm not sure if that if what you mean by "followers" and if I'm missing out somehow where I should be following you and I'm not, TELL ME. [I miss when blogging was simple!]

Nicolette said...

Hmmm Miss Sherri I don't know! I've known about wordpress but I didn't know that you couldn't follow blogger blogs if you were on it...which makes me wonder, because I follow a lot of blogs that aren't on blogger...

I wonder where all my friends are, then! I need to find a way to find them!