Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Inspiration to My Ears/MySpace: All Drama, All The Time

Oh, I just LOVE doing group blogs and doing my part when I'm tagged in something!  This week Miss Susan decided to tag all of her readers to post seven songs that have inspired us in our lives.  She decided to post seven that inspired her while writing her YA novel.  I'm pretty sure all of us use music in our writing to set the mood.  I do it, too, but I usually have artists that play nonstop during my writing process.

So I'm going to go with the flow here and post seven songs that have inspired me in my life.  Because there are so many, I'm going by the play count on my iTunes.  At one point, I know that one song got over 200 plays, but then my computer crashed and I had to start over.  :-/  Boo hoo!!  However, there are a few that have gotten many many plays, so I'll start picking my seven from there!

1.  Tired and Uninspired by My American Heart
2.  The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot by Brand New
3.  The Best I've Ever Had by Vertical Horizon
4.  Jesus by Brand New
5.  Staplegunned by The Spill Canvas
6.  Here We Stand by Amber Pacific
7.  Split Screen Sadness by John Mayer

If I really had to go by my play count all but two would be Brand New, so I limited it to two Brand New Songs.  But I really love all of these songs so it works out, and they do inspire me, in everyday life and in my writing.  Woo hoo!

If you can't tell, I'm in a much better mood today, and I'm pretty thankful because my weekend was so hideously crappy I could have stayed in bed with a bottle of sleeping pills at my bedside and been content to take one every time I woke up.  Yesterday at work I was a bag of Mexican jumping beans because, well...I'm just nervous.  I used to know what to expect when I got home from work.  Now, I'm not sure what will be going on.  And it's all because of a stupid site that I decided to take an extended absence from due to lack of interest and too much drama.  Even when I'm not on it, it causes drama.  It's ridiculous.

Confused?  Me, too!  Well, let me tell you pointe blank.  Chris has a MySpace.  A couple months back, he finally added me as a friend, and he was never on it, so I was always updating it for him.  He didn't give a crap, and sometimes it was a blessing because most of the time, girls will turn to MySpace for information their boyfriend isn't telling them.

Well, Chris changed his password.  Maybe he wanted his privacy, and that is fine.  I didn't ask about it and I left it alone.  It is his space, after all.  The only reason I ever got on was when he was there with me, and we were uploading pics or whatever.  The problem is, his password changed last week, before everything went down, so it just added to my nervousness about the stickiness between us.  The only reason I don't ask him straight out is, well, he won't believe I knew last week.  He'll think I found out this weekend and that I was being snoopy, but I really wasn't, at all.  I sound so desperate in maintaining my innocence in all of this, but I am desperate.  I'm not jealous or snoopy or nuts.  It's a coincidence.  And I keep telling myself it is just a coincidence that he changed his password around the time he decided he wasn't moving to Michigan and he almost broke it off with you.  That is all.

But, I forgot that I had added his new girl friend J as a friend sometime last week.  She seemed cool, and she invited us over to have drinks so I thought maybe it'd be nice of me to add her.  Well, she hasn't accepted my friend request, and her profile is on private, so I have no idea if that means anything.  I don't know if she's friends with D (the other girl), and I don't know if Chris and her talk.  That makes me nervous.  It sounds pathetic to confront him about stupid MySpace, though.

The thing that made me nervous at work though, was the fact that Chris had logged onto MySpace everyday since Friday.  Usually, he is NEVER on there.  Ever.  He has told me on several occasions that he wants to delete it.  Not only that, but he jumped right on changing his status to single.  It took him almost eight months to change it to "In A Relationship," but he remembers right away to change it to "Single"?  Maybe I am just crazy...But I did ask him about that.  And he said he did it Monday, when he was at work and sure that we were done, but I'd have to disagree, because it wasn't changed when I looked at his page about an hour before he got out of work.  UGH!  Stupid, stupid MySpace!

The good news in all of this is that, even though I only work like, twice a week most of the time, the part-time assistant manager Amber is freakin' awesome and we get along really well, and when I told her what was going on, she completely understood.  She told me if her b/f was acting funny she'd be doing the same things.  And all of you have comforted me in the fact that I'm not acting like a total paranoid freak, and it makes things a little easier.  I've said it before, but seriously, I have no friends here, at all, so when I read your comments, I breathe easier.  :)  You guys, and Amber, make me feel sane!  Chris has made me feel like I'm just being nosy and trying to find something on him, but I know I'm not doing anything wrong now.

Anyhow, Cooper is chewing on the cords behind the TV so I have to go whoop his ass (just kidding!).  I'm going to work on the novel for a little while, and see how that comes along.  I wrote quite a bit this weekend, but got sidetracked in all the drama.  I'm shooting for at least ten pages today. 

Happy Hump Day!

7 ghetto sass:

Dawn said...

You do sound in a much better mood; it's good to hear that! (And Happy Hump Day yourself!) Which, reminds me--have you ever said that to someone and they gave you a dirty look? The whole, "What the heck did you just say?" Then you always feel ridiculous for explaining.

Anyway, that is besides the point. Boys are weird; that is my point. I think we all know that. My last boyfriend pulled the Facebook status thing--he actually changed it BEFORE breaking up with me! (And he also changed his password, which, apparently, he has since forgotten.)

Strange. I'm glad we're not that weird. We're just paranoid. :)

Susan R. Mills said...

Glad you are feeling happier. I can tell by your words. Thanks for linking to me, too. I love the songs you picked, but you probably could have guessed that since I like all the music you play on your blog.

Nicolette said...

I'm kinda just relieved that the weekend is over and I can think to myself. I'm sure it's not the end of all of this, but there's not much I can do about it!

Plus, you guys kinda pushed me up and out of bed, and I couldn't just dwell on it.

No matter what happens, I will learn from this. Never trust the male species again. Not really. But if I turn out to be correct in everything, I will know to always follow my instincts, because they're right.

I'm looking forward to having this behind me.

Roni Loren said...

I always like to hear people's music choices. Glad you're feeling a bit better today.

Jeannie Campbell, LMFT said...

i appreciate you stopping by my blog and following! hopefully you'll find some of my character therapy stuff useful. i sure have a lot of fun with it. :)

glad you're feeling better, too!

The Character Therapist

AngeliStarr said...

you definitely do sound in a much better mood. i really despise when guys do that. they do things like that to annoy us. thats my take on it. as for everything else, dont feel like a freak. Id feel the same way. Im not a jealous person but if given a reason to, dont put it past me. its normal. its human.(ugh i hate that word, sorry lol)

keep working on your novel and keep writing out how u feel on ur blog. Its going to make you feel a lot better. Hopefully things ease up and soon. (I dont like seeing/hearing ppl sad, im very empathetic that way.)

Tina Lynn said...

First off. It took me awhile to actually get to reading your blog, because I was forced to dance when Misery Business started playing.

Secondly, it sounds like you have much drama in your life at the moment. Use it. Journal everything, because no matter how much you think that you will never forget how bad you're feeling and what thoughts are rolling around in your head. You will...and as a writer this is a perfect opportunity to write for therapy and for something to look back on when you need to remember what it feels like when something like this happens to you.

Glad you are feeling better.