Monday, September 28, 2009

Not Such a Fairytale

I know my last two posts were a bit depressing, so I wanted to write something a little more cheerful.  I really couldn't think of anything in my blank state of mind, then it suddenly occured to me-

I brought up Chris B. in one of my previous posts, whom was my REAL first love, and it ends with a happily ever after (or happily ever to-be-continued, whichever way you want to think of it).  I figured you might want to read something about it.  :)

Well, once upon a time, there was a nerd who lived in a box.  Okay, it wasn't a box, and I wasn't quite a nerd, but it adds to the story.  She had two very good friends she used to spend all of her time with, and it brought her to a basketball game.  This nerd hated basketball, but decided to go, since she had nothing else to do.

At this basketball game, she caught sight of the cutest boy she had ever seen.  He had blonde hair, and brown eyes, just like her, and he was the sweetest thing.  In fact, he was so sweet, he walked right up to her and offered her a Starburst candy.

"Would you like a Strawburst?"  the cute boy asked the nerd. 

The nerd, so in awe that this boy would offer her anything, shook her head, but she smiled because he had said Strawburst instead of Starburst, and also because he had the cutest smile ever.  He then offered her some Skittles, but the nerd told him, "I am getting braces, and I'm not supposed to eat sticky candy with my mouth piece."  The cute boy shrugged, and left her in the bleachers to join the rest of his friends.

The nerd wanted so badly to follow him, and talk to him, but she just couldn't; she was a mere 12 years old, and he seemed older.  There was no way he would ever want to be seen talking to her. 

Later on that night, the nerd asked her friend about the boy.  Her friend then told her, "That is Chris B.  He is really cute, but he's moving to Illinois this week."

The nerd was crushed.  The first boy that had ever paid her any attention was moving!  What were the odds of that?  She then asked her friend if she could get his new address, and her friend said she could, because they were good friends.

It took several months for the nerd to build the courage up to write the cute boy.  She kept writing and re-writing letters, but she never had anything interesting to say to this boy she had only met once.  One day, after a particularly long night of letter-writing, the nerd's mother said to her, "I ran into some old friends at the grocery store today."

The nerd could really care less, but feigned some interest, anyhow.  "Oh yeah?"

"Yes, do you remember Chris B. and his sister K?" 

The nerd perked up at this.  "Chris B.?  You used to babysit Chris B.?"

Her mother laughed at her, and told her, "Yes, of course!  You two used to be inseparable!  He was your first kiss, you know."

Suddenly, the nerd had something to write to the cute boy about.  She could tell him that her mother used to babysit him, and what a coincidence it was that they used to be best friends!  She set out to write the letter that night. 

Just a couple weeks later, she received a surprise in the mail.  Cute boy had written her back, and it was no short letter; it was several pages long.  He told her that he had asked his own mother about her story, and she remembered it as well.  They had, indeed, been each other's first kisses.

They became very good friends, and were pen pals for several years.  Finally, cute boy moved back to Michigan, and they were able to actually meet up for the first time in years.  The nerd already had a boyfriend, but she set her cousin and cute boy up to go to homecoming together.  They had a lot of fun at the dance, and became even better friends.

As time went on, though, the two friends grew apart, as it happens when you graduate from school.  The pair hadn't seen each other in almost six years, yet again, when they happened to run into each other at a party.  The exchanged numbers, and for a while they dated.  It seemed like a perfect match, but it turns out, they made better friends than lovers.

The pair parted ways and ever since, have been close.  Cute boy now is with a very beautiful girl, but writes the nerd often and they miss each other very much.  Every time the nerd visits Michigan, they meet up and talk, just like old times.  He is one of her best friends, and he tells her she is one of his best friends, as well.  They both hope their friendshipship will stretch on for years to come.

And they now live happily ever, er, well, you get the point.

The end.

(Or, the middle.)

3 ghetto sass:

AngeliStarr said...

LOL thats so cute! Strawburst.

BTW u cant possibly be a nerd and know what "ghetto sass" is! :-P

I loved this btw. I, avid reader of yours, would love some more and more and more. 0=)

Nicolette said...

Well thanks so much! :D lol. Actually, I had no idea what ghetto sass was until someone told me like, ages ago...and I think I've forgotten! HAHA!

I'll do my best to keep entertaining!

Amy said...

That is really really cute!
For some reason I got a flashback of my first boyfriend. It was first grade. His name was Bo. He would kiss me in front of our classmates alot, and it made me so embarassed. I still remember the kids laughing at us. I vividly remember him always being so touchy, and he couldn't keep his little hands off of me. It is my theory that I was just good practice for him being a testostrone-ful male someday. He was technically my first kiss, but I never count it. ha.

What a great, happy post! Made me smile :]